Date Changes

Flight changes before departure attract the airline reissue fee plus the fare and taxes are reassessed to current levels with any gap needing to be paid. If you are rerouting your trip for any reason, additional taxes and fees will also apply. Changes after departure attract the reissue fee if done with your travel agent, if there is no route change and the same pricing bracket is available it is just the flat reissue fee collected.

Most agents we will endeavour to get back to you ASAP (usually the same business day) and nearly always within 72 hours. However please note that most will struggle to change any dates departing within 7 days and some will also need at least 7 days’ notice to make any new changes – in these cases it’s best if you contact the airline directly. If the agency hasn’t provided you with the contact details of all the airlines in your ticket, check out our airline contact’s page.

Please also note that agencies are only able to change tickets if you haven’t dealt with the airline directly. Once you contact the airline, they take over the booking and changes may not appear in your agent’s system. In that case you MUST contact the airline directly. There are some fares that do not allow changes – (please check your Booking Confirmation for details) and there are also some cases where although changes are permitted with the airline, they cannot be made by your agent after you have left the UK. In these cases, you MUST contact the airline directly.

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